Dogs bark to protect their owners. Dogs are territorial and will protect their owners and home by barking at strangers. They will not stop barking until the stranger has left the territory or until the stranger is accepted into the territory.
Dogs may bark out of frustration or loneliness. When a dog is in pain, it may bark constantly, especially if the pain is emotional, such as feeling lonely.
Dogs might bark if they're hungry. Dogs will bark to communicate a need and until that need is met, they will continue to bark. The need could be hunger or thirst. It could be companionship or to go outside to relieve itself.
Dogs may not bark constantly if they are kept busy. Dogs need interaction. They are pack animals and therefore need attention. Dogs will often bark continuously when they are bored and want to play or socialize.
An excited dog will bark and bark but eventually stops. Dogs are happy to see their owners come home. They will often wag their tails, jump up and down, and always bark. Once their excitement wanes, so will the barking.
Why Dogs Bark Continuously
Vocalization is a form of communication. Dogs vocalize by barking. Dogs communicate everything through barking and body language. Each bark carries a different meaning. Determining the meaning is the key to understanding why dogs bark continuously.