How to Make a Male Dog Stop Marking

Marking is a behavior seen most often in male dogs who have not be neutered; it consists of deliberate urination with an intent to define territory. While this is natural behavior for dogs, it is an unpleasant one for humans to deal with. If your dog is marking his territory, there are steps that can be taken to ensure that he stops.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic bottle
  • Coins
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      Identify the type of urination. If you find large puddles of urine on the floor, you are likely dealing with a loss of bladder control. A loss of bladder control can point to health issues or to your dog needing to be taken out more often. Marking is deliberate and involves a much smaller amount of urine, which will be sprayed on an upright object like a doorway or a chair leg.

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      Identify when marking is occurring. Some dogs only mark when they have been left on their own for too long, while others will never mark at home but instead will mark when you take them to someone else's home. If you know when your dog is going to mark, you can take preventative steps like removing him from the situation or altering the situation.

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      Have your dog neutered. Neutering is a surgical procedure that is performed by your veterinarian. Once it has been performed, most male dogs show a marked reduction in both aggressive behaviors and marking. Neutering your dog at a young age can prevent marking in the first place, but even older dogs can be affected by this simple procedure.

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      Create a shaker by putting coins in a plastic bottle and screwing the lid shut. Use the shaker when you see your dog getting ready to mark. The shaker will startle him from what he is doing and you can follow it up with a stern, loud ̶0;No̶1; that will let him know that what he is doing is wrong.

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      Walk your dog more frequently. Boredom might be a factor in why your dog marks, especially if you have an active breed. If your dog is feeling unstimulated or unsure of his role in the house, he may try to assert dominance in this fashion.