How to Use a Canine Balance Ball

If you suffer an orthopedic injury, are recovering from surgery or just want to improve your fitness and balance, you may turn to physical therapy. Many veterinarians are recommending physical therapy for recuperating dogs, and owners of sport and agility dogs sometimes turn to physical therapy for their canine teammates. The canine balance ball, also called a physioball or theraball, allows your dog to strengthen its core muscles and improve balance. While your dog might be uncertain on a balance ball initially, with some encouragement and treats it can learn and enjoy some simple exercises.

Things You'll Need

  • Canine balance ball
  • Non-slip rug
  • Treats
  • Clicker
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      Discuss balance ball exercises your dog can do at home with your veterinarian or physical therapist, if it's for recuperation from injury or surgery. You need to make sure the exercises are safe for your dog.

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      Set up the ball on carpet, a non-slip rug, or outside on grass. Don't use in on hard, slippery floors that will make your dog's feet slip.

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      Increase hind-end or rear-foot awareness by placing your dog's forelegs on the balance ball. Hold the dog steady at first, and reward her with a treat if she's very uncertain. Gently rock her back and forth, providing just enough support to keep her feet on the ball, but making sure she is using her rear legs for balance. Do this just for a few seconds and first, and work up to several minutes.

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      Work on increased balance and hind-leg awareness by encouraging your dog to side-step around the balance ball, while keeping her front feet on top of it. Tap her thigh to make her step sideways and give her a tiny treat every time she moves her rear feet. Most dogs are able to side-step all the way around a ball once they are confident in their balance and understand how to move their rear feet independently.