How to House-Train a Chihuahua in a Litter Box

Chihuahuas can make excellent pets. Though not ideal for everyone, they bond well with their owners and provide years of unconditional love and loyalty. In addition, their small size makes them suitable for litter-box training, which can come in handy if your home does not have a yard. You will need to have patience in order to train your Chihuahua to use the litter box, but as this is an intelligent breed, your efforts will pay off before long.

Things You'll Need

  • Litter box
  • Litter-box liner
  • Shredded newspaper
  • Dog treats
  • Dog crate or pen
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      Put the litter box on a hard floor, far away from your Chihuahua's food and water, as dogs will not relieve themselves near where they eat. Insert a standard litter box liner to make clean-up easier, and fill the litter box with shredded newspaper.

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      Feed your dog at the same times every day. Take her to the litter box approximately 30 minutes after each meal, or earlier if she shows signs that she needs to relieve himself.

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      Guide your Chihuahua to the litter box first thing in the morning, just before bedtime and once every three to four hours throughout the day, whether or not he indicates a need to go. Stay with him and see if he relieves himself. If he does not go after five minutes, take him out of the litter box, walk away and try again in a little while.

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      Watch your Chihuahua closely and take her to the litter box whenever she indicates an intent to relieve herself on the floor. If you see her squatting, walking repeatedly in a circle or intently sniffing a spot on the carpet, take advantage of the opportunity to bring her to the litter box.

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      Let your Chihuahua know through positive reinforcement when correctly uses the box. Offer verbal encouragement, petting and occasional treats.

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      Offer a firm correction when your Chihuahua relieves himself outside the litter box, but only if you catch him in the act. Tell him ̶0;No!̶1; and take him to the litter box. Do not scold him, however, if you discover the mess later. He will not understand why you are scolding him.

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      Keep your Chihuahua in a small pen or crate near your bed during the night. Withhold water right before bed to help your Chihuahua puppy hold it through the night. If she grows restless or starts whimpering in the middle of the night, take her to her litter box.

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      Clean up the mess from every potty accident thoroughly to remove all signs of odor and prevent ̶0;repeat performances̶1; in the same spot.