How to Shut Up a Barking Dog

For many people, barking ranks among the most unpleasant sounds in existence. While dogs make excellent companions, a barking dog can create an enormous amount of frustration. Fortunately, you can stop this headache-inducing behavior by addressing the problem directly in a firm manner. Just follow these simple steps when you find yourself face-to-face with an otherwise good dog that refuses to quiet down.


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      Determine the reason for the barking. Perhaps the dog distrusts strangers or other animals. Perhaps she feels threatened by a strange noise or just wants to go outside. The Sacramento SPCA recommends studying the dog̵7;s behavior to uncover the reason for the barking and determine an appropriate response.

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      Indulge his curiosity. In many cases, you can show your dog that he really has no reason to feel excited or anxious. If he barks at strangers, let him interact more with strangers. If he barks at unfamiliar noises, show him what causes those noises. Often, a dog will bark because of a need for understanding.

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      Offer the dog some affection. Barking can often signify restlessness or a plea for attention. In these cases, you can often stop the behavior with a simple back scratch or tummy rub. You can further satisfy your dog's restless energy by taking her for a walk or throwing a Frisbee.

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      Tell the dog to stop. It seems simple, but sometimes you just need to claim your authority and command him to be quiet. The more often you do it, the more effective it becomes. Stand tall, look him directly in the eyes and confidently state your command. Be firm, but avoid negative reinforcement such as swatting, hitting, or kicking. This can negatively impact the dog and produce even more aggressive behavior.