How to House Train a Golden Retriever Puppy

Golden retrievers are popular pets because of their expressive faces, warm family disposition and loyalty. Proper training is important for retriever puppies to get them accustomed to living in their new home. Housebreaking a retriever requires patience, consistency and practice, and should begin when the puppy is approximately two months old.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog crate
  • Designated bathroom spot
  • Leash
  • Treats
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    • 1

      Confine your retriever to a small space when the dog is not playing or involved in another supervised activity. Retrievers will not relieve themselves in their sleeping area. Keeping the dog in a small space when not directly supervised will prevent it from eliminating in the home.

    • 2

      Choose the location you would like your puppy to associate with elimination. Make this location easily accessible to both you and your pet. Retrievers are very intelligent. Maintaining a consistent location will help your retriever use its keen sense smell and associate a certain area with elimination.

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      Develop a regular and frequent elimination routine with your retriever puppy. Golden retriever puppies are excitable and very energetic. They need to relieve themselves frequently when they are young. Plan relief breaks around mealtimes, each time they are removed from their crate, directly after play sessions and after periods of sleep/napping.

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      Escort your retriever puppy to the appropriate relief destination on a leash. This is an important step that allows you to control your puppy and focus its attention on the desired activity. Do not allow the puppy to have free roam of your home, especially when house training.

    • 5

      State a phrase you want the puppy to associate with elimination. As your puppy prepares to eliminate, state your phrase. If it becomes distracted by the environment, lightly tug the leash and repeat your elimination phrase. Repeat this until your puppy eliminates.

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      Acknowledge the positive behavior. Golden retrievers are eager to win the praise and attention of their owners. Reward your puppy with a treat and excited, upbeat verbal support of good behavior. This will help your retriever associate eliminating in the designated area as positive.

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      Return your retriever puppy to the crate when you re-enter the house. During house training, keep the puppy in the crate when you are not feeding or playing with your pet. Keeping your retriever on a strict routine for meals, play time, walks and elimination will assist your retriever puppy in adjusting to its new home and performing approved behaviors.