How to Stop a Lab Dog From Jumping on Strangers

The popularity and friendly reputation of a Lab (Labrador retriever) dog makes strangers approach them more than they do other types of dogs. Dogs respond to this affection by jumping out of excitement, which is their own way of saying ̶0;hello.̶1; From the dog̵7;s perspective, when it jumps on a stranger and gets attention, it is being rewarded for jumping. Reward is a powerful training tool and the unintended effect is that the dog learns jumping on strangers is good. Stop a Lab from jumping on strangers as soon as possible so this behavior doesn̵7;t cause unpleasant situations.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
  • Choke collar
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    • 1

      To teach it not to jump on you and other household members first, ignore your Lab unless all four of its paws are on the floor first. Enter calmly when you return home and don̵7;t fuss over your dog.

    • 2

      Say ̶0;off̶1; in a firm voice and place its paws on the floor if your Lab continues to jump. Keep a stern expression and glare at the dog. After a few times, your Lab should know what ̶0;off̶1; means and you won̵7;t have to place its legs on the floor anymore. From then on, saying ̶0;off̶1; should be enough to stop it from jumping. When its four paws are on the floor, praise your Lab and give it a treat.

    • 3

      Bring your dog away from the door when someone knocks and say ̶0;sit.̶1; Don̵7;t open the door until the dog sits still.

    • 4

      Open the door and invite the visitor to enter quietly and not interact with the Lab for a few seconds. If the dog jumps, asks your visitor to walk out the door and repeat Step 3. When the Lab stays seated, praise it, give it a treat and let your visitor play with it.

    • 5

      Say ̶0;heel̶1; when a stranger walks toward you in the street. Your Lab should continue to walk next to you without jumping. If it gets overexcited, turn back or cross the street to end the stimulation.

    • 6

      Say ̶0;off̶1; firmly if your Lab starts jumping on strangers you can̵7;t avoid passing. Ask them not to reward the dog with attention. Pull the leash if necessary and walk on quickly to end the interaction.

    • 7

      Buy a choke collar. Tug on it and release quickly to correct your Lab if it gets too distracted outdoors and does not obey the ̶0;off̶1; commend.