How to Train an Aggressive Dog Not to Snap

Aggressive dogs can be scary to handle. Whether it is your dog or someone else's, a snapping dog is no fun to be around. Much of a dog's behavior is learned from the time it is a puppy. With proper socialization and by taking command of your dog, you can work with your biting dog to eliminate that behavior.

Things You'll Need

  • Chew toys
  • Leash
  • Training collar
  • Muzzle (optional)
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      Establish authority. Be confident around your aggressive dog and talk and give commands in a stern voice. Show your dog that you are the boss with your voice and with your body language.

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      Distract your dog. When your dog snaps at something or someone make a loud noise to bring its attention away from that behavior. Clap your hands or say loudly "no." You can also drop objects on the floor to create noise.

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      Give your dog alternative behaviors. Give your pet chew toys and bones so it has something to put in its mouth. Socialize your dog slowly by bringing it, on a leash, to public places. Be sure to have control of your aggressive dog at all times when you are out in public.

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      Exercise your dog. On his website, Cesar Millan, a noted dog trainer, says the cause of aggressive and exited behavior in dogs is in many cases due to a lack of exercise.

      Walk your dog daily or take it to a dog park and play fetch. Be sure when you walk your dog to keep it on a leash and to use a training collar and keep your body between your pet and unfamiliar people and dogs. With daily exercise your dog may calm down on its own.

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      Neuter or spay your dog. says that neutering male dogs especially can help diminish aggressive behavior.

      This will also help you decrease the frequency of your dog's marking its territory.

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      Consider a muzzle. Try this option if others don't work.