Although dogs have earned the title of Man's Best Friend, you cannot help the tension that is created when a dog uses your carpet as his toilet. Although some pets have a tendency to urinate wherever they please, male dogs use urination to mark their territory. By understanding the reason and cause for your dog's urination habits, you can choose the best option in which to go about resolving the issue, and keep your carpet smelling and looking good.
Things You'll Need
- Enzymatic cleaner
- Scent-covering agents
Take your male dog to a veterinarian for neutering. You can eliminate the habit of territory marking by neutering your dog at an early age, but neutering your male dog at any age will improve his behavior.
Clean up the urine as soon as possible with an enzymatic cleaner, or a water and vinegar mixture. Spray the area with scent-covering agents to mask the smell. If your male dog smells his urine, he may develop a habit and will continue to urinate at the location.
Take your dog to the veterinarian. Male dogs can suffer from sudden loss of bladder control due to health issues. If your dog was previously house trained and has recently begun urinating on the carpet, he may have an infection that causes him to relieve more frequently or have less control holding his urine.
Close blinds and windows to keep your male dog from developing anxiety due to outside distractions. Male dogs, especially active breeds such as beagles and Rottweilers, have a natural urge to defend the house or chase critters. The restriction of a glass window or wall can cause anxiety, which results in nervous or anxious urination.
Set up a dog crate that is large enough to house the dog but not let him use one end as a bathroom. This isolation training method is used to keep the pet from running around the house when you are away. If you give him the freedom to run around at a young age, you can expect him to urinate throughout your house on your carpet. House training male puppies is easier than when they are mature. While puppies of three months of age or under have limited bladder reflexes and control, you have to look for signs indicating they need to "go." For mature male dogs that are in the habit of marking their territory, neutering is the best option.