How to Train a Red Nose Pitbull

Though Pitbulls have a reputation for being an aggressive and dangerous breed, they are very smart and can be great when properly trained. The Red Nose Pitbull is a naturally inquisitive dog, and is fascinated by almost everything around the house. Even though it's in the same family as the Pitbull Terrier, it has a different color coat pattern and a red-colored nose. Also, the Red Nose Pitbull is a little more docile than its pure-breed cousins. After training, your Pitbull will do things like coming when called, not begging at the dinner table, walking obediently on a leash, and will not bother your guests.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog toys
  • Treats
  • Leash


    • 1

      Keep the domination in the relationship between you and your pitbull. this is done by using a commanding voice, but not yelling, and keeping eye contact when talking to your dog. Pitbulls tend to be a dominant species in general, so establishing your roll as the alpha being will prepare the dog for easier training. After a short period of firm dominating speech, the pitbull will accept you as the head of the household.

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      Socialize your dog. Without proper socialization for your Pitbull, it can become anxious and eventually aggressive, and even though the Red Nose is in the Pitbull family, they are generally more docile than there pure-breed cousins. The easiest way to socialize your dog is by regularly taking it to the local dog park. Along with keeping the dog social, this will also help acclimate the dog with being around other humans.

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      Don't use negative reinforcement. For example, instead of saying "no jumping," say "Down." Also, instead of saying "no biting," say "let go."

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      Give the treat to the dog after it completed the sit. Complement the treat with a "good dog" verbalization.

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      Show an ample amount of love and affection to your pitbull, especially when it completes a requested action. This helps the dog associate good behavior and completed actions with positive results, and will make the training process quicker and more efficient. Along with belly rubs and back scratches, your pitbull will love receiving dogie treats.