There are many behavior problems that people want to control in their dogs, ranging from aggression to barking or peeing in the house. Many of these problems can be solved with some repetitive training and positive reinforcement. According to, the first rule in any training is consistency. Always remember to stay calm and not yell at the dog and do not over-praise, as both actions will distract the dog from his lesson.
Territory Marking
Watch him closely and stop him when you see him lifting his leg to mark his territory in the house. Put your dog in just one area of the house, such as the kitchen with child gates or doors, to help with this issue.
Deal with the issue when it occurs. This is the number one housetraining rule from If you don't catch him in the act, don't punish him later. says, "discipline will not help because unless you catch the puppy in the act, he will have no idea what the scolding is for."
Clean the areas he has marked before thoroughly, so that he does not smell them and mark there again. A 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water or many products such as Nil-Odor, Odornil, OdorBan and Nature's Miracle will get rid of the odors, according to Do not use ammonia based cleaning products, as this has the opposite effect and encourage your dog.
Praise him when he marks his territory outside. The ASPCA behavior website says that positive reinforcement is a great way for dogs to learn quickly.
Teach your dog that he is allowed to bark until you say "Quiet." According to the ASPCA behavior website, the best way to do this is to let the dog bark a few times, then say the command normally. At that point, walk over to the dog, hold his muzzle closed and repeat the word.
Release the dog and call him away from the area he was barking and reward him with a treat.
Feed him many small sized treats if you feel uncomfortable holding his muzzle. Just walk to the dog and tell him calmly "Quiet" and give him the treats one after another gradually increasing time between treats while praising him for being good. According to the ASPCA behavior article on barking positive reinforcement helps dogs learn quickly.
Repeat the process you chose many times until the dog has learned to stop barking when you say "Quiet."
Other Behavior Issues
Neuter your dog. When done young this is most effective. According to neutering your dog can help reduce aggression, marking territory in the house, and unwanted sexual behaviors towards other dogs as well as humans.
Prevent begging at the table by using baby gates or doors to keep your dog out of the room when the family is eating. Another method the ASPCA behavior website suggests is to teach them to lay down or stay somewhere else if you don't want to confine them.
Stop destructive chewing by giving the dog toys that give him something to chew on for a long time. Some examples that ASPCA gives are Nylabones, Smart Chew bones and natural bones. Do not give him cooked leftover bones such as chicken or t-bones since these can get caught in his throat or chip off pieces of his teeth.