How to Potty Train a Puggle Puppy

Potty training your puggle puppy is an important step in integrating your new dog into your home. Training your puggle to eliminate outside requires time and patience as puggles can be stubborn and may resist your potty training efforts at first. It is important to remain consistent with your training and provide your puppy with praise and positive reinforcement when it eliminates in the proper area.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate
  • Treats


    • 1

      Set a consistent schedule for your puggle puppy. Giving your puppy a routine helps it know what is expected of it throughout the day. Put your dog on a feeding schedule and try to play with it at the same time each day. Take it outside after each feeding and when it wakes from a nap and give it a chance to eliminate. Learn when your puggle eliminates and ensure you take it outside at those times.

    • 2

      Watch your puppy for signs that it needs to eliminate. When you are home with your puggle puppy, keep it near you and watch it for cues that it needs to be taken outside. Your puppy may bark, whine, pace, sniff or leave the room when it needs to eliminate. If you notice any of these signs, take your puppy outside quickly and give it the opportunity to eliminate outside.

    • 3

      Crate your puggle when you are unable to watch it. When you go to work, or leave your house, place your puggle in a crate or blocked off area of your house. When you introduce your puppy to it's crate, offer treats and praise, making spending time in the crate a positive experience for your puppy.

    • 4

      Take your dog outside frequently and give it time to eliminate. Use your puggle's age to determine how often you should take it outside. A puppy's month of age typically correlates to the number of hours they can wait before needing to eliminate. For example, if your puggle is three months old, it should be taken out every three hours, even if it has been in a crate or does not show signs of needing to go outside. Your puggle should be able to hold it's waste for longer at night and be able to sleep though the night by four months old, notes the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The puppy will need to eliminate within a half an hour after every feeding.

    • 5

      Praise your puppy when it eliminates outside. Offer your puppy a small treat and a chance to play or go for a walk when it eliminates. If your dog has been in it's crate, let it stay out in the house for a while before placing it back inside the crate.

    • 6

      Startle your puggle if you catch it eliminating in the house. If you find your puppy in the act of eliminating in the house, clap or make another noise to startle it. Immediately take your puggle outside to let it finish eliminating. Offer praise to your puppy if it finishes eliminating outside.