How to Walk a Puppy After Spaying Surgery

The process of spaying your puppy can take an emotional toll on you and your puppy. Your puppy is in a fragile state once the operation is done for about 10 to 14 days and usually does not act the same throughout this period of time. As an owner, you must always keep a close eye on your puppy during this time, especially while walking them or when they are getting exercise.

Things You'll Need

  • Spay Cone
  • Doggie Poncho
  • Short Leash


    • 1

      As required during all surgeries, keep the cone collar on. If you decide to take it off of your puppy, there is a good chance that they will become aggravated with their incision and attempt to scratch or lick it. The incision must be left alone throughout the entire recovery stage.

    • 2

      Make sure the weather conditions are suitable before taking your puppy for a walk. It is important to keep the incision dry throughout the recovery period so it can heal completely. Use a doggie poncho to cover her entire body from rain if it looks like it's going to rain.

    • 3

      Use a short leash to take her outside for bathroom purposes only. These walks should be no longer than 10 to 15 minutes and should be within 25 to 50 feet of your home. Too much walking can aggravate the puppy's wound and cause a disruption to the healing process.

    • 4

      Once you are back from the walk, clean the incision with the ointments and medicine prescribed by the veterinarian. It is usually advised to clean it two to three times a day, so this should work perfectly in their bathroom cycle.