How to Train a Puppy With a Collar & Leash

Training your puppy to walk on a leash requires patience, as many puppies are often initially resistant to wearing a collar and being attached to a leash. With time and practice, your puppy should be able to walk calmly on its lead whenever you are out in public. When training your puppy, it is important to remain consistent with your expectations, so your dog does not become confused about what behaviors are acceptable.

Things You'll Need

  • Collar
  • Leash
  • Small treats


    • 1

      Place the collar on your puppy. Put your dog's collar on when you have time to play with it and distract it from the collar. Give your puppy time to adjust to the new sensation and only remove the collar when your puppy is not working to get it off. Put the collar on the puppy several times until it does not seem to mind wearing it.

    • 2

      Attach a short leash to your puppy's collar. After you puppy has become accustomed to wearing the collar, clip a leash to it. Allow your puppy to wander, supervised, around with the collar and leash so it gets used to the sensation. Distract your dog from chewing on the leash by feeding it or playing a game and remove the leash when your puppy seems uninterested in it.

    • 3

      Place the collar and leash on your puppy and teach it to come and follow you by calling its name and offering a small treat and praise when it comes to your voice or follows you as you walk away.

    • 4

      Pick up the end of the leash, keeping it slack. For your first interactions, avoid guiding your puppy but take turns following it and having it follow you while keeping the leash loose. Praise your puppy with treats and your voice as you practice.

    • 5

      Stop walking if your puppy pulls. If your puppy pulls on its leash, simply stop walking and wait for it to relax and release the tension on the leash. When it creates slack in the leash offer a small treat or praise and continue walking, repeating the process as necessary. Resist the urge to pull back on the leash against your dog.

    • 6

      Encourage your puppy forward. If your puppy lays down or refuses to move forward while you are walking it on a leash, place a treat several feet in front of it and praise it as it walks toward the treat.