How to Housebreak My New Puppy in the Home

There are few things more frustrating than trying to housebreak a new puppy. Puppies will go to the bathroom anywhere they are standing when the urge hits them. To housebreak a puppy, you will need patience, a keen eye, and a lot of floor cleaner. No matter how diligent you are, it is nearly impossible to housebreak a puppy without a few messes in the house. Remember that it is just a puppy.

Things You'll Need

  • Puppy treats


    • 1

      Tell the puppy "no" when it squats and starts going to the bathroom and bring it outside. When the puppy goes to the bathroom outside, praise it and give it a treat to reward it.

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      Clean up the mess before the puppy has a chance to revisit it. Not only can the puppy accidentally step in its own mess and make the puddle a bigger mess, the puppy will associate that spot as a place where it is acceptable to go to the bathroom. This will cause the puppy to go to the bathroom again in that same spot the next time it has to go. Use a strong scented floor cleaner to get rid of the smell entirely.

    • 3

      Take the puppy outside to go to the bathroom approximately 20 to 40 minutes after eating a meal. The puppy will pass the food and water much faster than you might expect. This will also help the puppy associate outside with going to the bathroom.