How to Train Your Dog to Behave

Dogs provide love and fulfillment to countless individuals and families around the world. Considering their loyalty, innocence and enthusiasm, this should come as no surprise. But what happens when your dog exhibits behavioral problems? How can you turn your overzealous pooch into an obedient member of the family? If you have the knowledge and patience, you can easily guide your loving dog toward more productive behaviors.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats


  1. Always Use Positive Reinforcement

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      Designate short, focused training sessions. Set time aside to teach your dog the proper behaviors. If she has a problem with jumping on people, teach her to sit on command. If she constantly barks at when someone walks by, teach her to become quiet with verbal prompting. You can achieve these ends by teaching your dog short, simple command words like "Sit," "Shush" and "Stay."

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      Offer positive reinforcement. In order for your dog to understand what the command words mean, you will need to show him when he does the right thing. When he sits on command, pat him on the head and give verbal encouragement. When he stops barking, give him a tasty treat. Edible rewards can prove extremely helpful, but do not rely solely on food for positive reinforcement. You should reward with hugs, kisses and enthusiastic pats above all else.

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      Remain consistent. If you want to teach your dog not to beg at the dinner table, then do not give him table scraps even once in a while. This will confuse the dog and undermine your entire training effort. You must remain completely firm in your resolve.

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      Have patience. If you want to successfully train your dog, you must constantly, repetitively reinforce the rules and encourage the right behaviors. You may find yourself chanting "Sit" until you feel as though your lungs are about to give out. Dogs tend to learn slowly, but they will catch on. Believe it, and do not give up.