How to Pick a Pinch Collar

Despite its fearsome appearance, a properly fitted pinch (or prong collar) can be an effective and humane training aid for dogs who pull or lunge while walking on a leash. When fitted and placed properly, a pinch collar is less likely to injure a dog than a choke chain because the pinch administered by the collar is the correction, rather than the potential damage caused by the tightening action of a traditional choke collar. Since they are adjustable, sizing a pinch collar can be much more forgiving than fitting other training collars.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Pinch collar
  • Cloth measuring tape, optional
  • Plastic tips, optional


    • 1

      Pinch collars are sold in a variety of sizes ranging from mini-micro (9 inches) to extra large (21 inches). These sizes are based on the circumference of a dog's neck and can be easily estimated. For a precise measurement, use a cloth tape measure (the kind used for sewing) to measure the circumference of your pet's neck, just below the dog's ears and jaw line.

    • 2

      Since pinch collars can be easily adjusted by adding or removing a few links, you may want to choose the next larger sized collar, based on your estimate or measurement of your dog's neck. For example, select a large collar for a dog with a medium-sized neck to ensure that the collar will not be too tight.

    • 3

      To open the pinch collar, hold the collar in one hand and squeeze both of the prongs on one of the links, using your thumb. The links located in the middle of the collar will be easier to open.

    • 4

      Place the collar high on the dog's neck, just below the ears and jaw line. Close by pinching the open prongs together, and place each one into the hole in the next link, where they were removed from, to open the collar

    • 5

      If the collar does not fit snugly and high on the dog's neck, open it again and remove the entire link completely by squeezing the prongs that are attaching it the collar. Put the collar back on. If it is still slipping down, repeat this process. You may remove up to four links.