Personal Protection Training for Dogs Information

Advanced training for your dog to protect your home and family requires a great deal of patience and precision. Personal protection training should only be carried out under the supervision of an experienced dog trainer.

  1. Identification

    • Personal protection training for dogs includes teaching your dog to bark and bite at the door, as well as in the presence of strangers until told otherwise. It also involves teaching your dog to refuse food from strangers, to become alert on voice command, and to attack and retreat when commanded.


    • Teaching your dog personal protective measures not only ensures a greater level of safety for you and your home, but instills a greater amount of obedience and attentiveness into your canine companion.


    • If a dog is pressured too greatly during personal protection training, she has the potential to turn on her handler. Training is recommended only under the supervision of a licensed professional.


    • Personal protection training does not make a dog more aggressive, but teaches a dog when to utilize his natural instincts.

    Time Frame

    • Advanced training behaviors, such as personal protection training, can take up to a year to master.