Owning a dog can be a joy, but a disobedient pet can cause a great deal of damage. Many dogs are allowed to ride with their owners inside their cars, and traveling is an exciting experience for most dogs. Some dogs get wound up every time they see a car and will jump up on it, scratching and damaging the paint. Stopping your dog from climbing on your car is necessary to prevent further damage to your vehicle and keep your dog from injuring itself.
Things You'll Need
- Collar and lead
- Treats
Park your car in an area your dog cannot access, such as a garage or enclosed carport. If your dog cannot get in the general area of your vehicle, then it cannot climb on the car.
Place a collar and lead on your dog before taking it near the car. The collar and lead allow you to control your dog and keep it from getting too close to the car. If you have a small breed, pick it up and carry it to the car to prevent damage to the vehicle.
Walk your dog towards your car and stop a couple of feet away from the vehicle. Give your dog the command to sit, offering it a treat as soon as it responds correctly. Asking your dog to sit before it gets too close to the car will teach it to slow down and not run excitedly at the vehicle.
Give your dog the command to wait as you open to door to your vehicle, holding tightly to its lead to make sure it remains sitting. The wait command tells your dog that it needs to sit quietly until you release it.
Release the dog and allow it to walk slowly to the door, placing it inside the vehicle. Repeat the sit and wait process until it sits calmly on its own outside the car until you are ready and allow it inside.