How to Train Your Chihuahua Dog

Although the basic principles of training apply to all dog breeds---patience, persistence, consistency and reward---each breed has its specific needs. Though intelligent and easy to train, Chihuahuas are often used to being the center of attention and getting their own way. Teaching a Chihuahua to respect you is the first step to all of his training lessons.

Things You'll Need

  • Chihuahua-sized harness
  • Leash
  • Treats


  1. Training steps

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      Teach your Chihuahua to respect you. Because it is easier sometimes just to pick up a half-pint Chihuahua than it is to insist on good behavior, some Chihuahua owners fail to win their dogs' respect. If your chihuahua doesn't see you as pack leader, he is not going to obey your commands. Teach your dog respect by gently but firmly insisting that your way is the only way.

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      Use Chihuahua-suitable training tools. Because Chihuahuas are small and fragile, choke chains and typical collars are not the best options for training. Using a leash for control during training is important, but tugging on a traditional collar may injure your Chihuahua's throat. Use a harness instead. Choose tiny treats for rewards. To make sure you are not over-feeding your Chihuahua during training sessions, use part of his daily allotment of dry dog food, praise, or a favorite toy as reinforcement for performing the behavior you ask for.

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      Teach your Chihuahua basic obedience. All dogs need to know how to sit, stay, come and lie down. Since your Chihuahua is little, you can opt to try and train him on the living room floor.

      Teach your Chihuahua to sit by putting a treat near his nose and then moving your hand tailward so he moves his nose up. This will force his butt onto the ground. If he sits, give him the treat and praise him.

      Teach your Chihuahua to stay by putting him in the sit position, saying "Stay," and moving away slowly. Return him to the sit position if he gets up. Reward him each time he stays, even for a few seconds. Slowly lengthen the time you make him stay.

      To teach your Chihuahua to come, you and a friend can sit at either end of a long hallway, taking turns calling "Come" and treating him when he runs up to you. (Remember to take turns. If you make it a competition to see which one of you the dog will run to, it will turn into a popularity contest and not a training session.)

      Train your Chihuahua to lie down by sitting on the floor and bending one knee so your leg is in an upside-down "V" with just enough of a hole for him to belly-crawl under. Lure him through the space with a treat, saying "Down" and reward him when his belly is on the ground. Gradually increase the space and then finally tell him "Down" without using your leg trick.