How to Use a Remote Training Collar

A remote training collar is a collar that gives a dog a slight electric shock when the trainer pushes a button or turns a knob. Many people disagree with the use of such a collar, although the manufacturers and fans of its use will tell you that the shock received is no worse than touching a metal object when you are full of static electricity. The key to success with a training collar is to use it properly.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog
  • Leash


  1. General Use

    • 1

      Read the owner's manual for the collar thoroughly before using so that you are not experimenting with settings while it is on your dog.

    • 2

      Place the collar on your dog. Make sure that it fits well and is not too tight or too loose.

    • 3

      Attach the leash to the collar and take your dog to an area where it will not be distracted.

    • 4

      Issue a command that the dog already knows. If the dog does not respond correctly, use the collar on the lowest setting that will get a reaction from the dog.

    • 5

      If the dog does something it is not supposed to, such as knocking over the trash, turn the collar on. Be sure to stop the collar as soon as the dog stops the behavior.

    Teaching Recall

    • 6

      Place a leash on the dog and let it run to the end of the leash.

    • 7

      Use the collar on the lowest setting to get its attention.

    • 8

      Use the leash to gently guide the dog back toward you. When it begins to come to you, release the collar.

    • 9

      Repeat this several times and then begin using a command such as "Here" or "Come" when you pull it toward you.

    • 10

      After some practice, the dog will come to you at once no matter what distractions may be around.