How to Train Your Dog Not to Jump Up on the Bed

Dog training experts disagree about the advisability of dogs sleeping with their owners. Whether or not you like to snooze with your pooch, you probably want control over when it can jump onto your bed, if at all. If you want your dog to stay off the bed when you tell it to, teach the dog basic obedience commands and then practice around your bed. As with any teaching exercise, training your dog not to jump on the bed takes patience, repetition, consistency and praise.


    • 1

      Teach your dog your language. Choose a word to mean ̶0;Get off this bed right now,̶1; and stick with it. One short word is best, usually ̶0;off.̶1; If you use the word ̶0;down,̶1; you will confuse your dog since it will think you are telling it to lie down on your comforter instead of getting off the bed.

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      Give the command every time. If you let your dog stay on the bed sometimes but not others, it will become confused and ultimately choose to ignore you. If you give the ̶0;off̶1; command each time it jumps onto the bed, it will eventually understand that you don̵7;t want it there. Be calm. A gentle but firm tone of voice expresses your intent better than screaming or shouting. If you are too harsh, the dog might hide under the bed, and you will lose a teaching opportunity.

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      React immediately and repeat indefinitely. If your dog jumps off the bed on command, but then jumps right back on again, repeat the command immediately. If it doesn̵7;t get down, either pick it up and set it on the ground while giving the command, or get on the bed and crowd the dog off with your body in a non-threatening manner. Dogs instinctively move away from another dog claiming their territory. (Be sure you are the pack leader, since a dog that thinks it is the boss may try to drive you away or even snap.)

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      Reward your dog for minding you. When your dog performs the ̶0;off̶1; behavior correctly, reward it. You can give the dog a treat to reinforce compliance, but eventually, you want praise to be the reward since you will not always have a treat. When your dog obeys, say ̶0;Good boy, off,̶1; in a pleasant tone. Don̵7;t use an energetic or high-pitched voice because that will overexcite the dog and most likely cause it to jump back onto the bed to be with you.

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      Give your dog its own bed on the floor near you. Whenever the dog is in your bedroom, lead it to the bed and tell it to lie down. Reward the dog for obeying. If it tries to jump onto your bed, lead or crowd it off and return it to his bed, rewarding it for good behavior. Do this repeatedly, calmly but confidently, and eventually the dog he will learn that its bed is its place and your bed is your place. Dogs are creatures of habit. If you repeat an action and an intention enough times, they will follow your command and stay off your bed.