How to Make a Puppy Incubator

During the birthing process it is important for the recently birthed puppies to have their own separate box so the mother can concentrate all her energy on the continuing process. The mother will not be directly on hand to warm the new puppies, so an incubator must be constructed. Newborn puppies are unable to control their body temperature until they are at least two weeks old, and the incubator will be helpful to regulate the puppies' body temperature throughout this delicate first few weeks.

Things You'll Need

  • Cardboard box
  • Heating pad
  • Cotton towel
  • Heavy towel or blanket


    • 1

      Place a medium-size cardboard carton next to the mother̵7;s whelping box. Make sure that the box is at least 10 inches deep to ensure the puppies are not able to climb over the edges as they grow larger.

    • 2

      Cut a small hole at one of the corners of the box to accommodate an electric cord. The hole must not be made too large, or one of the puppies could get its head trapped in it.

    • 3

      Wrap one heating pad with a cotton towel that can be easily removed for cleaning.

    • 4

      Place the heating pad into the bottom of the box. Run the cord through the hole to be plugged in.

    • 5

      Turn the heating pad on ̶0;medium̶1; once the mother dog goes into labor. This will ensure the box is warm and ready for the first puppy.

    • 6

      Place a heavyweight blanket or towel over the opening on the top of the box.

    • 7

      Watch the box to ensure the temperature stays constant while the mother gives birth to her litter.