Should I Hold My New Puppy a Lot?

You just brought your adorable new puppy home, and you can hardly keep your hands off him. He's just so soft and warm and cute! You pick him up, flip him over to rub his belly, shove your face into his nose and ask for a big wet one. But in the earliest stages of your puppy's development, there is a line between socialization and harassment. Pet owners should know how to make their new puppy a new best friend.

  1. Human Contact

    • Between the ages of eight weeks and three months, puppies begin learning how to interact with humans. Make it a point to hold and play with your puppy during this period to guarantee that she associates you with positive experiences.

    Necessary Touching

    • You must establish with your new puppy as soon as possible the notion that you and the other members of your family should be allowed to touch her anywhere. This includes sensitive areas like the ears, the eyes, the paws and the genitals. Establishing this notion ensures that if any of these places ever requires medication or treatment, the puppy is already accustomed to allowing you to handle them. To build trust, you and your family members should gently touch the puppy on a regular basis in the areas that make him squirm.


    • If you have young children, make sure that they do not harass the dog with rough or nonstop touching. Puppies need a lot of sleep. To ensure that your puppy does not learn to resent you or your children, give her a suitable amount of quiet time, and learn to watch for signs that your puppy has had enough for one play session.

    Signs You're Holding Too Much

    • If your puppy falls asleep when you pick him up, you should put him down and let him sleep. Uninterrupted sleep is essential to his health. Small puppies can also experience motion sickness, so if he starts to squirm and push against you, he has probably had enough for one day.