How to Break an Adult Dog From Urinating in the House

Many times older rescue dogs can come to a new home without being properly house trained. This can be an issue because it is much more difficult to train an older dog than a puppy. The brain of a puppy is like a sponge, and can be more easily trained. An adult dog, on the other hand, has had years of repeating the same undesirable behavior, and it can be difficult to teach him that urinating indoors is not acceptable.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog crate
  • Leash
  • Dog door


    • 1

      Take the dog to the veterinarian to rule out any urinary tract infections. Many times older dogs are prone to urinary infections, which can make it difficult for them to hold their bladders.

    • 2

      Keep your older dog in a pen or crate when you are away from home or cannot otherwise closely supervise her behavior.

    • 3

      Tie a leash around your waist and tether the dog to you while you are at home. This way you will have the dog in your sight at all times if he begins to exhibit signs of voiding, such as sniffing around the floor.

    • 4

      Take your dog out at least every four hours. Do not always wait for your dog to show signs that she must void. The more your dog is taken out, the faster she will begin to associate the outdoors with pottying.

    • 5

      Clean up any accidents quickly after they occur. Dogs will begin to urinate in the same spot over and over again if they are able to smell old urine odors.

    • 6

      Install a dog door. Many times a dog that is further along in housebreaking will begin to scratch at the door when he must void. This will give the dog an easy access to the outside world.

    • 7

      Praise your dog every time she urinates outdoors.