Introducing a new puppy to an adult male Yorkie can be a bit complicated. Yorkies are a sensitive breed who are sometimes possessive of their owners and do not want to share their love ̵2; or their territory or food, for that matter. Furthermore, if you have an adult male who is unneutered, introducing a male puppy can cause competition and make the adult extremely jealous of the youngster. However, it is possible to convince an adult male Yorkie to accept a puppy by following a few simple techniques.
Do your homework before choosing a puppy to determine what kind would best suit your older dog. According to Cynthia D. Miller, author of ̶0;Creating a Peaceable Kingdom: How to Live With More Than One Pet,̶1; dogs generally get along better with those of the opposite sex, as long as they are spayed or neutered. In addition, Miller recommends obtaining a puppy when the older dog is about three years of age. This age gap typically creates a good environment for friendship.
Give just as much, if not more, attention to your adult Yorkie as you did before the new addition. Naturally, your adult will become jealous of the puppy if he feels that he is forgotten and will, therefore, take his insecurities out on the pup. Miller suggests giving your adult dog attention in front of the new puppy as well, in order to maintain that the adult is higher on the dog hierarchy in your home.
Reinforce your adult Yorkie̵7;s dominance over the puppy. In a dog̵7;s world, it is all about who̵7;s in charge. While you are the leader of the entire pack, your adult Yorkie is the second-in-command. Let your puppy know this by feeding the adult first, letting him walk in doors ahead of the pup and giving the adult your attention first. Maintaining this order will likely help the adult to accept the puppy because he won̵7;t feel that his position is threatened. However, your adult must obey you as well by accepting the puppy. You decided that your family needs a puppy, and your adult needs to obey that decision. While it is fine for the dogs to not be best friends, the adult still needs to civilly tolerate the newcomer.