How to Teach a Dog to Weave Poles

Weave poles are a popular dog agility obstacle with a set of 6 upright poles for beginners and 12 poles for advanced agility. A challenging combination of accuracy and speed, weave poles are one of the most difficult agility exercises to teach a dog. There are a number of methods for training a dog to weave poles. Adjusting training methods for your dog's physical abilities, physique and desire to please, along with patience and consistent practice, is the key to success. No matter what method you use for training your dog to weave poles, the end result should be entry with the left shoulder to the first pole and alternating smoothly between poles with a consistent, swift, forward motion.

Things You'll Need

  • Agility weave poles
  • Clicker
  • Reward treat
  • Collar
  • Leash


    • 1

      Set two weave poles in place, from 18 to 24 inches apart. Use short poles, and push them into the ground. For training, 3-foot PVC pieces work well.

    • 2

      Teach your dog to walk between the two poles, using the command "enter," always with the dog's shoulder to the left of the first pole. Reward your dog for smoothly completing this "exit" with a clicker or a food treat. Break. Repeat.

    • 3

      Add one pole to make a row of three poles. When starting to teach pole weaving, the poles can be set an an alternating, staggered pattern instead of a straight line, to make the turns easier for your dog. With your dog on leash, and the leash held high at a 45-degree angle and above the poles, command "enter," and then "weave," encouraging your dog through the next poles. Use your body to guide your dog, not your hand; stand on your dog's right side, with your inside of your leg guide the dog into the next pole, then step away to pull them through the next pole. Reward your dog for completing a "weave," using clicker or food treat. Take a break. Repeat. Practice.

    • 4

      Increase the number of poles as your dog gains confidence. Continue guiding and stepping away, with the command "weave." Work slowly, concentrating first on accuracy.

    • 5

      Set up six weave poles in a straight line. Command "weave" at each change of direction. Work on building speed, running along with your dog.

    • 6

      Develop independent weaving on command. Put your dog in a "down" position at the first pole, command "enter" and then "weave." Your dog should be rewarded only at the end of the weave poles, for completing the entire course.