How to Stop a Puppy From Biting Ankles

Puppies bite for several reasons. It is a natural part of puppy play behavior; this is how a puppy interacts with its littermates. Biting can also be instinctive, such as with herding and cattle dogs, where the dog will use small nips and bites to control its herded animal to the desired destination. Puppy bites can be both annoying and mildly painful. In order to stop a puppy from biting ankles, you will need to train or redirect its natural behavior to a more acceptable subject.


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      Try clicker training. This method of training combines sound and positive reinforcement in the form of treats. When your puppy pounces, stop moving. This will cause the puppy to pause. During that pause, use your clicker to make noise while simultaneously rewarding the pause with a treat. In time, your puppy will associate the pause with the positive reinforcement.

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      Redirect the biting by providing ample toys designed for a teething puppy. This method works well for "play" biting. When the puppy begins to bite, distract her with a toy. This directs the natural, playful energy onto the toy and away from your ankles.

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      React to your puppy's biting by using a high-pitched squeal or yelp. This noise will startle the puppy in a manner similar to "bite inhibition," which is learned from its mother. Repeat this every time the puppy's mouth touches you; the puppy will begin to connect the pain yelp with the biting.