If your dog rips up carpet and flooring when you're away from the house or place her in a room away from the rest of her family, it could be separation anxiety. This causes dogs to become highly stressed and destructive. She may simply be bored and amusing herself by ripping the carpet. Obviously, this is not desirable behavior and it can also be dangerous if she swallows carpet fibers. The fibers can get twisted in her intestines, requiring complex surgery to remove them. There are numerous strategies you can take to stop this habit.
Consider the possibility of separation anxiety if your dog only rips up carpet when you're gone. Nicholas Dodman, a veterinary behaviorist at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, says separation anxiety is a common problem, especially if dogs are untrained and spoiled. Separation anxiety can make a dog very destructive. Contact your veterinarian and a trainer for advice.
Take her age into consideration. Puppies will teeth from approximately 4 to 8 months of age, and can be very destructive during this time. Give her safe things to chew on to relieve the discomfort, such as nylon chew toys or real bones.
Confine your dog to a part of the house with no carpet when you can't monitor her. Use a crate, baby gates or an former pen.
Give your dog plenty of physical exercise. Younger dogs (up to 3 years old) can have a lot of energy and even an extra 30 minutes a day can help "take the edge off" extra energy. Play fetch inside the house, take her for a walk or let her run at a dog park.
Train your dog in both basic obedience and manners, as well as tricks, even silly ones like rolling over and shaking hands. Well-trained dogs that are provided with mental as well as physical stimulation are less likely to indulge in destructive or obsessive behavior.
Give her safe, satisfying toys. Consider interactive dog toys that can be stuffed with frozen treats̵1;reduce the size of her next meal if she's had a lot of extra food, so she doesn't become overweight.