If your dog is barking out of control, it is not only a nuisance to you, but potentially to your neighbors as well. Dogs typically have reasons for why they bark and it is our job to determine what they are. Owning a nuisance barker is stressful, frustrating and can get you in trouble with the law if your neighbor files a complaint against you. For these reasons, you must employ the proper techniques to stop your nuisance barker.
Things You'll Need
- Treats
- Citronella collar
Understand why your dog is barking. According to the dog obedience training website DogObedienceTrainingReview.com, there are many reasons for which a dog barks, including stress, boredom, hunger, isolation, fear, excitement and to alert you. Pay attention to what triggers your dog's barking and prevent it. Give him plenty of exercise to stimulate his mind and body, feed him at the same time every day and spend time with your dog. Satisfying his basic needs could be all it takes to stop his barking.
Avoid rewarding your dog's barking. Many owners encourage their dogs to bark without even knowing it, simply by vocalizing their dislike for the barking. If you tell your dog "no" when she barks, you are reacting to her, which is likely what she wants and is why she is barking to begin with. If you pet your dog when she is barking because you want to comfort her, you are actually praising her actions by giving her affection, which will cause her to bark again. Praise your dog when she is silent by saying "good girl" and petting her. When she barks, turn away from her and ignore her. She will soon learn that silence earns treats, while barking earns nothing.
Desensitize your dog to noises or other occurrences that cause him to bark, such as the door bell or a ringing phone. Call your home phone from your cell phone. When the phone rings, simply sit there and do not react. Showing your dog how to ignore the ring will teach him to do so as well.
Place a citronella collar on your dog to deter her barking if you cannot control your dog's barking by any other methods. When your dog barks, the collar omits a spray of citronella into her face. While this is not harmful, it is alarming to the dog and will typically stop her from barking. She will eventually learn that when she barks, she is sprayed and will likely avoid barking from then on.