How to Stop a Collie From Barking

Collies are mild-tempered, intelligent animals and they make great pets. For the most part, collies are loyal dogs that respect their master and are generally easy to train. Occasionally, collie puppies that are not trained with consistency may grow to become stubborn adults. Collies should be taught early that excessive barking is not acceptable. There are simple steps that can be employed to break collies of the coughing habit.


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      Avoid giving into the collie̵7;s demands when he barks. This will help to discourage the behavior. Ignore his barking and wait until he stops barking before giving him the attention he is seeking.

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      Avoid fussing over the collie when you are leaving home to go to work, because this may then upset the dog and result in his barking to try to bring you back. Leave home without making a big deal about it and refrain from drawing any excess attention to the departure. Do not make the mistake of returning inside to try to comfort the collie when he barks, as this will only increase the unwanted behavior.

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      Provide toys for the collie to play with to keep him from getting bored, as boredom often results in barking.

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      Make sure the collie is getting enough exercise so that he does not have excess energy that may lead to barking. Collies require a lot of physical activity, including at least one long walk per day as well as, ideally, some free time off of the leash to run around.

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      Teach the collie to obey the "Stop" command when he is barking at visitors in your home. Acknowledge his good behavior when he stops barking by rewarding him with verbal praise and a pat on the head, as collies respond well to this type of attention.

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      Be consistent with your collie's schedule, as these dogs require consistency in both their training and their daily routine. Designate a spot for him to eat, sleep, and play and do not alter these areas, which may result in confusion and lead to excessive barking.