How to Break a Dog From Marking

There are many reasons why a dog marks around the yard and home. Regardless of the underlying cause, experts agree that dogs who mark need to be broken from the habit as early as possible. The longer it takes to discontinue the habit, the harder it will be.

Things You'll Need

  • Soda bottle
  • Rocks or coins
  • Dog toys
  • Aluminum foil
  • Vinegar
  • Water


    • 1

      Have your puppy neutered while he is still young, as early as possible. This may help prevent the habit from developing at all.

    • 2

      Have your older dog neutered if you did not have it done when he was a puppy. This will greatly increase your chance of breaking the marking habit because there is believed to be a strong connection between testosterone and the desire to mark.

    • 3

      Make a shaker can to train your dog with. Fill an empty soda can with several rocks or coins and tape the opening shut.

    • 4

      Choose a weekend when you can devote yourself completely to training your dog and breaking his marking habit.

    • 5

      Designate one section of your home for the dog to roam freely in. Shut all doors that lead out of the room and barricade openings and entryways with a retractable child safety gate. Supervise him intensely all day, as much as possible.

    • 6

      Watch for your dog to exhibit any signs that he is preparing to mark, such as circling or sniffing around. Wait for him to lift his leg and then immediately shake the can to distract him and turn his attention to you.

    • 7

      Wait for him to look at you and then command him "No pee" with a hard look and stern voice. Repeat if he ignores you and turns to continue marking.

    • 8

      Distract him with a dog toy, ball or by letting him outside.

    • 9

      Offer positive verbal praise when dog marks outside in an acceptable area, such as on a tree.

    • 10

      Attach long pieces of aluminum foil to any furniture that your dog likes to mark on. When marking, the urine will make a pinging noise and may even splash onto him, both of which help to discourage the behavior.

    • 11

      Thoroughly wash any areas where your dog has previously marked to eliminate the smell and prevent further marking. Use a solution of 50 percent vinegar and 50 percent water.

    • 12

      Consider visiting a pet supply store and purchasing commercial products to help deter your dog from marking, such as belly bands, scat mats and an automatic spray deterrent.