How to Stop a Puppy From Howling & Barking at Night

Bringing home a new puppy can be a wonderful experience for the whole family. That first night for the new puppy can be a very stressful experience. Puppies, like human babies, cry and whine at night out of fear, attention seeking or boredom. The process of stopping this barking may take a few days, but eventually everyone in your household will get a good night's sleep.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate
  • Thin Blanket
  • Soft toys
  • Piece of worn clothing


    • 1

      Exercise your puppy and take it outside to potty right before bedtime. This will ensure the puppy has an empty bladder and is worn out before bed.

    • 2

      Place the puppy̵7;s crate in your bedroom. This will give the puppy solace to see you near.

    • 3

      Cover the crate with a thin blanket or a sheet. This will help the puppy feel cozy and protected at night.

    • 4

      Ignore the puppy once it begins to cry and bark. Do not yell at the puppy or speak to it in any way.

    • 5

      Check to make sure the puppy is not whining because it needs to potty.

    • 6

      Give the puppy some comfort at night by turning on a light or placing a shirt that you have recently worn into the crate. The smell of you on the garment will have a calming effect on the puppy.

    • 7

      Place a small toy into the crate with the puppy. This will give him some stimulation in the crate during the long hours of the night. Otherwise, the puppy may begin to bark out of sheer boredom. Replace the toy every few days to give the puppy a little variety.