How to Train a Husky Puppy to Stay

Teaching your husky puppy the "stay" command may prove to be a challenging process, but one that is well worth it in the end. Huskies are an incredibly intelligent breed, making them somewhat stubborn when it comes to training. They usually prefer to do things their own way, rather than take commands from their owner. Once trained, however, huskies are more than eager to please. Your patience and perseverance will be rewarded with an obedient husky puppy who listens to your commands.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Treats


    • 1

      Attach your puppy's leash to his collar before attempting to teach him the "stay" command. This will ensure he is not able to run from you during training, which disrupts the learning process. Keeping him on a leash as you train him will make your puppy more manageable.

    • 2

      Have your puppy sit or lie on the floor, depending on which position you'd like to train him to stay in. Alternating between the two during each training session can help teach your husky puppy to stay no matter what he's doing.

    • 3

      Say the command "stay" while holding your palm out before your puppy's nose. He may not yet understand the command, but he will soon begin to associate it with the gestures you make while giving it. Dogs understand your body language much better than they understand verbal cues.

    • 4

      Praise your puppy after a second or two if he hasn't moved. Giving him a special treat or just rewarding him with some extra attention after he's followed your commands will help motivate him to listen next time. Dogs respond better to positive reinforcement than negative reinforcement.

    • 5

      Repeat this process, allowing the time between saying the command and rewarding the dog to slowly increase. Teaching your husky puppy to stay may take several weeks, but it is the most important command he can learn.