There's slobber all over your face, your favorite shoes are in five different spots and there's fur all over your couch. It can only mean one thing: You just got a new puppy. As great as a small, clumsy bundle of fur is, it's no secret that they are a lot of work and take time to train. However, leash training probably isn't as hard as you think it is.
Things You'll Need
- Collar
- Leash
- Puppy
Buy a collar. A lightweight one will work best, since the lighter if feels, the less likely puppy is to mess with it. Be sneaky, and slip the collar onto your puppy while he's eating or playing since it will be easier to do while he's distracted. It's nearly inevitable that he will scratch at it and try to remove it, but do not take it off.
Teach your puppy to come to you. Call him by one name only, and use the same command every time, as puppies can be easily confused. When he is across the room, tell him to come, using his name each time. For example, if you've named your puppy Fido, you would say "Fido, come." He most likely won't listen the first time, but repeat it enough, and he will eventually come. When he does, reward him with a treat. This reinforces the good behavior.
Buy a leash. When your puppy is distracted, as in Step 1, attach it to his collar, but don't hold on. Let your puppy wander the house with the leash attached to his collar. This shows him that it is harmless and will not hurt him.
Pick up the leash, and walk with puppy once he is used to it on his collar. Make sure to hold loosely onto the leash. Though human nature is to hold on tight, it makes the puppy off balance and gives him the natural instinct to pull, which will make walking him difficult. Stick to the house, and walk him around while he gets used to you being on the other end.
Stop if your puppy starts pulling. This shows him that pulling on the leash won't actually get him anywhere. If you continue to walk or pull back, this makes him believe that it's okay to do this and will become habit for him.