How to House Break a Dog That Is Already Pad Trained

Pad training your dog or teaching your dog to use puppy pads can be convenient if you live in an apartment or a cold climate and cannot always take your dog outside. However, the time might come when you wish to break your puppy of the habit of using the pads and house train your dog to go to the bathroom outside only. Doing this is relatively simple as long as you follow the appropriate steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Puppy pads
  • Dog treats


    • 1

      Learn your dog's schedule. Watch when your dog goes to the bathroom on the pads to determine how soon he needs to use the bathroom after he eats, plays or sleeps. By learning your dog's schedule you can determine when is the best time to take your dog outside.

    • 2

      Take your dog outside at a time when he normally needs to use the bathroom and take the puppy pad outside as well. When you get to a location outside where you want your dog to go to the bathroom, place the puppy pad on the ground and encourage your dog to smell the puppy pad. When he smells the pad, he might know immediately that it is time to use the bathroom. If he doesn't, take him back inside and try again a few minutes later.

    • 3

      Praise your dog enthusiastically every time he goes to the bathroom on the puppy pad outside. You can also give your dog a treat when he goes to the bathroom outdoors.

    • 4

      Remove the puppy pads from inside your home once your dog has gone to the bathroom once or twice outside. As long as the pads are in your home, your dog might prefer to use those -- especially if you live in a cold climate and your dog doesn't want to go to the bathroom outside. By removing this as an option, you can usually transition your dog to going outside faster.

    • 5

      Stop putting the puppy pads down outside once your dog has been consistently using the bathroom outside for a week or so. Your dog should have the idea that this location is his new place to use the bathroom. Continue to take your dog back to that spot until your dog realizes that he is now supposed to go to the bathroom outside at all times.