How to Train a Miniature Pinscher Puppy

Miniature pinschers, also known as min pins, are one of the most popular toy breeds to own. Short in stature and big in attitude, miniature pinschers are highly regarded as intelligent dogs who love to learn new things. These pleasing qualities can make it quite easy and enjoyable to train miniature pinschers.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate
  • Puppy pads
  • Treats
  • Jar of coins
  • Squirt bottle
  • Citronella collar


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      Train your miniature pinscher puppy to eliminate where you desire her to go, whether it's outdoors or on puppy pads. To teach your puppy to go outdoors, consider keeping her in a crate when you cannot watch her and take her outside several times a day. If you want your miniature pinscher puppy to relieve herself on pads, take her to the location in which you have them arranged whenever she needs to eliminate, then reward her after she has used them.

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      Stop your miniature pinscher from biting -- what can seem like cute puppy mouthing and biting can turn into aggressive adult bites that require stitches. Min pins tend to nip, and most of the time it is because their owners never corrected them as puppies. Do not encourage any play where you are essentially fighting with the dog, such as tug-of-war. If the puppy attempts to bite you, tell her "no" in a firm voice, then lay her down in your arms, belly up, like a baby. This puts her in a submissive position.

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      Teach your miniature pinscher puppy to not bark excessively. Miniature pinschers like to bark and unless you get this tendency under control when the dog is a puppy, you will have a loudmouth on your hands when she is an adult. Shake a jar of coins or squirt the miniature pinscher puppy with water when she barks for no reason. You can also try a collar that will spray citronella in her face when she barks.