Puppies & Electric Dog Fences

Just having an electric fence will not ensure the obedience of a puppy staying within the property boundaries. Training is involved in teaching a puppy how to live under the constraints of an electric fence.

  1. Training

    • Puppies have to be trained on the boundaries of the fence without creating phobias for the pet. Being shocked by something not seen can create needless fear in a puppy.


    • Puppies left in the yard protected by an electric fence should be monitored at all times. The fence may keep them inside; however, it will not kept out people or other animals who may wish to harm or steal a puppy.


    • Some puppies may learn early to ignore the shock from running past the invisible line; viewing the escape as reward for getting past the pain.


    • Some breeds are prone to aggression or biting. Puppies displaying any characteristics that could lead to problems should be contained by more restrictive methods.


    • Every pet is different so before installing an underground fence, discuss the possibilities with your pet's veterinarian.