Do Invisible Fences Work With Cats?

The Invisible Fence brand of electronic fence works for both cats and dogs. There are a lot of options for programming that can make your home or yard a peaceful and safe place for your pets. Veterinarian Dr. Peter Eeg says, "Cats really seem to understand the concept of the tone/correction quickly. I found that my own cats were trained in a matter of five to 10 minutes." However, there are some things to understand and consider before you get one of these systems.

  1. How it Works

    • A transmitter, attached to the wires that create the "fence" sends out a radio signal. This radio signal is transmitted between 4 and 15 feet from the wire. The signal field keeps animals from crossing over the wire. You fit your pet with a small receiver collar, programmable for your pet's particular needs, and when your cat approaches the boundary, she hears a warning tone. If she doesn't back off within a few seconds, the receiver delivers a static electrical shock.

    Safe for Cats

    • This shock is light, no more traumatic than the static shock you might receive touching a metal object after building up a charge walking across a carpet. It may take a few tries on your cat's part before she gets the message, but soon she'll learn to recognize the warning tone and will back off before a shock is even delivered. The Invisible Fence brand has been granted a Seal of Approval from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).

    Outdoor Barriers

    • Not only can the Invisible Fence system keep your cat from leaving your yard, it can also keep her away from specific areas inside your yard. This includes gardens, bird feeders, swimming pools, or driveways, anything that might endanger your cat, or that your cat might endanger. This is especially helpful if you grow plants which might be toxic to your cat, or if you own one of the rare cat breeds which actually enjoys swimming.

    Indoor Barriers

    • It's also possible to set up a more compact indoor transmitter. These are highly adjustable, creating a field small enough to simply keep your cat away from the garbage can, or one large enough to protect whole rooms such as nurseries. These are useful for keeping your cat away from the stove, or the dining room table, while still allowing them access to the rest of the house.

    Cats and Dogs

    • Another remarkable feature of these invisible fences is that they can be used indoors to restrict only the movements of certain pets. This means you can program your cat's collar to allow her access to her litter box and food, but program your dog's collar to keep her away from those areas. You can even keep your cat restricted to one area of your home, upstairs for example, and your dog restricted to another area, such as the downstairs. This can be invaluable for animals that don't get along.

    Introducing New Pets

    • These devices are also very useful when introducing a new pet into a household with an established, territorial cat. You can slowly reduce the radius of the transmitter, allowing the animals to get closer to each another, and more accustomed to each another, without worrying that they'll injure one another.