How to Break a Dog From Chewing on Everything

Puppies chew on anything they can find--it's in their nature to chew. But the real problem comes when your puppy becomes an adult and still chews on everything, including shoes, clothes, documents and dangerous items. This can become hazardous to your wallet and your dog's health. Dogs chew for many reasons, but the main ones include boredom, separation anxiety, teething and fear, according to the Complete Guide to Responsible Dog Ownership. It's time to take the necessary steps to keep your dog from chewing on everything.


  1. Breaking the Habit

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      Give the dog chew toys from an early age, according to the Humane Society. Prevention is the best cure. Teach the dog that the chew toys are the only items it can chew on. Exposing puppies to chew toys is a great way to reduce chewing on restricted items later on.

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      Coat your dog's favorite non-chewable chewing item with a poor-tasting substance, according to the Complete Guide to Responsible Dog Ownership. Cayenne pepper and other bitter-but-edible substances work great.

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      Lightly squirt your dog with water and say, "No," if you catch it chewing on a restricted item. Keep a squirt bottle around for this. Your dog will begin to associate the word "No" with water in the face. Eventually, all you'll need to do is say, "No," and your dog will stop whatever it's doing.

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      Socialize your dog with other dogs and people. Doing this will instill in your dog confidence, peace and a good sense of right and wrong, eventually breaking its bad habits, according to the Humane Society.