How Can I Get a Dog to Stop Eating Area Rugs?

You love your dog, but its excessive chewing behavior is driving you crazy. Area rugs are not meant to be eaten, but it is up to you to provide your dog with the proper toys, distractions and training in order to put a stop to this unwanted behavior.

  1. Why Dogs Chew

    • Dogs chew for a variety of reasons. Your dog may not be eating your area rug to be naughty. Chewing is a normal behavior for dogs, especially puppies. Your dog may be chewing due to boredom or stress, or because it is playing. If you have a puppy, it may be teething.

    Play and Exercise

    • If your dog is chewing on things it shouldn't, such as your area rugs, it is important to provide positive outlets for your dog's energy. Make sure your dog is getting plenty of exercise. This will keep its body and mind active and keep it from having too much additional energy. Provide your dog with regular attention and affection. Your dog may be eating your rugs due to boredom, and this will keep it busy.

      Provide your dog with toys that it is allowed to chew on; this will encourage your dog to opt for positive chewing behavior instead of eating your rugs. Do not choose toys that look similar to items you do not want your dog chewing on, and do not use household items like rags or old shoes as toys; your dog will be more likely to chew on inappropriate objects if you do this. Instead, opt for durable rubber or nylon dog toys, or other types that your dog enjoys chewing. Always supervise your dog while it chews on its toys to make sure it does not choke on or swallow any pieces.

    Catch Your Dog

    • Only scold your dog if you are able to catch it in the act of eating your rug. Do not punish your dog if the event occurred in the past. Establish a command, such as ̶0;leave it,̶1; to use consistently for when your dog chews on something it shouldn't. Act quickly, startle your dog with the command, praise your dog when it stops chewing on the rug and then redirect your dog to chew on its toys. Remain calm but assertive; do not hit your dog.

    Other Considerations

    • If you have a puppy, you may want to consider removing area rugs if they become a problem for your dog's chewing. Wait until your dog is a little older and is done teething before reintroducing the rugs to your home.

      Consider using a bitter-tasting spray on the areas of your rugs that your dog is chewing. These can be powerful deterrents. If you continue to struggle with your dog's negative chewing behavior, consult a dog trainer for advice on how to treat your specific dog's case.