Crate Training Vs. Pad Training

One of the biggest challenges for many new puppy owners is housebreaking. Crate training and pad training are two common methods used. Below are a few things to keep in mind when comparing these methods.

  1. What is Crate Training?

    • Crate training is a method of housebreaking that involves placing the dog in a crate when they cannot be watched to prevent them from eliminating in the house.

    What is Pad Training

    • Pad training is a type of housebreaking in which "puppy pads" are purchased and left in a designated area of the home for the puppy to urinate on. The pads have an attractant in them which encourages dogs to eliminate on them.

    Time Requirements

    • Crate training will generally take slightly more time and dedication in the housebreaking process. The puppy will need to be watched very closely when out of his crate and crate time should not last more than two hours.

    Teaching Bladder Control

    • Pad training does not teach the dog to control his bladder or bowel movements. Having constant access to an acceptable place to potty will result in a dog that eliminates whenever he gets the urge.


    • Crate training is generally more effective in the long run. While puppies easily learn to urinate on the pads, it can be confusing to them when potty breaks are moved outdoors.