Service dogs may be trained for various tasks--such as picking up dropped items, helping a person walk or responding to medical conditions. He may be trained as a hearing or signal dog, or a dog for the blind. You will need much patience and dedication to train a puppy to be a service dog, but the rewards will be great.
Things You'll Need
- Training equipment for puppy (depending on the type of service dog the puppy will be)
Socialize the puppy. The puppy must be able to be around people and other dogs without getting distracted. Take him to both indoor and outdoor places and a variety of environments. You may want to make a vest or sweater for the dog with a sign that says he is in training and requests that others do not touch or pet him.
Teach the puppy basic obedience skills. Before he can begin more specialized training, the puppy must learn voice and hand signals for basic commands, such as sit, stay, lie down and coming when he̵7;s called.
Target specific tasks. Depending on what type of service dog you believe the puppy will excel at (such as a guide dog for a blind person), you will need to begin to teach him tasks specific to that field. You also may need to purchase special equipment--such as a harness for a guide dog--that he will need to be familiar with in order to be a service dog. You may need to teach the puppy to pick up items, open doors, pull a wheelchair or lead a blind person.
Introduce the puppy to his new partner. In addition to training the puppy, you will need to also help his new owner adjust to having a service dog, how to give commands, how to care for the dog and how to deal with any health issues the dog has.