How to Teach a Dog to Put Away Toys

Seeing a dog put away his toys is a fun trick to watch. While it may take some time to master this multi-phase training, the rewards are worth it.


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      Teach your dog to fetch and retrieve. This is a necessary component to the ultimate behavior your are training. When your dog has mastered the art of bringing the toys back to you, it is time to introduce the next step.

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      Introduce the "drop it" command. Some trainers prefer to say "release," but either command will work. The important part of this step is to have your dog drop or release his toy into your hand. When your dog complies, give her a treat or use a training clicker for positive reinforcement. Practice the fetch and retrieve combined with the release command until your dog is proficient.

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      Use a basket while commanding your dog to drop the toy. Complete the command just as you have before, but hold your hand over a basket, which serves as your dog toy box. When the dog drops the toy into your hand, you then drop the toy into the basket. Continue training the dog this way, using lots of treats and positive reinforcement. Eventually move your hand all the way into the basket for the drop.

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      Remove your hand from the basket. Once the dog is accustomed to dropping the toy into your hand within the basket, command him to drop the toy when it is over the basket, although your hand is no longer there. This may take some time, but it will come with patience and lots of treats!