Black Labrador puppies are one of the easier breeds to train. Teaching your puppy to sit and stay at an early age will make the future with your pet a much happier one. Rewarding your pet for his successes will encourage him to try harder for that special treat.
Things You'll Need
- Black Lab puppy
- Collar
- Dog treats
Teaching Your Black Lab Puppy to Sit
Stand directly in front of your black Lab puppy and get his attention by saying his name or clapping your hands.
Move to your knees so you're on the same level as your puppy and looking him right in the eyes.
Grab his collar with one hand, and with the other hand push his rear end towards the ground.
Say, "sit," in a very clear, audible tone. After a few repetitions, reward him once with a treat.
Push his rear end to the floor a few more times and say "sit." Doing this will start to reinforce what the word "sit" means.
Once your puppy sits without too much assistance, he is ready for the next lesson - sitting without any help.
Teaching Your Puppy to Sit Without Help
Stand up and point towards the ground as you say "sit." If he doesn't listen or respond, point towards the ground, say "sit" and then push his rear end to the ground again.
Accomplishing this without you forcing him to the ground is deserving of another treat.
Continue practicing until your puppy sits on his own without you forcing him on a consistent basis. Praise him and reward him with a treat as he improves in doing this command.
Teaching your Puppy to Stay
Standing in front of your puppy again, go through the sit command and point towards the ground.
With your puppy sitting, open your hand in a halt or stop motion and say "stay."
Reward him if he has accomplished the sit-stay action and continues to stay for five seconds.
If he does not stay, begin again and continue until he starts to understand the command and stays in place.