How to Potty Train a Min Pin

Miniature pinschers (min pins) are a toy breed. Many toy breeds have potty training problems. Author and dog expert Darlene Arden says the problem is not the dog size but how humans treat small dogs. When a dog is tiny and they have accidents it is not as messy as a large breed, so owners sometimes don't take effective action. Following a careful plan will help you successfully housebreak your Min Pin.

Things You'll Need

  • Small crate
  • Leash
  • Gates
  • Outdoor spot to potty or indoor paper or pads
  • Plastic or metal pan for pads or paper (optional)
  • Treats (optional)
  • Clicker (optional)


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      Prepare the indoor area by placing pads or paper in a specific spot. Using a pan under them will help keep floors clean. If the potty area is outside, make sure the area is clean and safe.

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      Keep your dog in a crate when you are not watching her or when she is asleep. When your dog wakes up, put a leash on her and immediately take her to the indoor or outside spot to potty. Tell your dog "potty" or another word consistently when you reach the potty place.

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      Using a high happy tone, always praise your dog after it potties or use a clicker along with voice praise. You can also reward with a treat. Clean up the paper or pads or remove poop from yard.

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      As soon as your dog eats, put his leash on and take him back to potty. Do not leave the area until your min pin potties.

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      Supervise your dog when she is not in her crate. Attach a leash so she is with you or put up gates to prevent her from going to out-of-bounds areas or rooms. If your min pin starts circling or sniffing for a place to potty, take her to the potty place.

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      After playing or exercise take your min pin, take him to his potty place and stay until he potties.

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      Take your dog to potty every two hours for the first month during the day. Extend an hour each month until she is fully housebroken.

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      Do not give your dog water after 8 to 9 pm. If he wakes up crying in the night, take him immediately to the potty place but do not pet or play with him to avoid training him to get up at night for attention.