How to Train a Border Terrier Puppy

Border Terriers are spunky dogs who love to play and chase things. It is the latter that can get them into trouble as sometimes, these objects can be cars. Used as farm dogs in the 17th century, Border Terriers excel at being in charge and love to use their mouths on anything they can. Because of all the strong character traits that this breed displays, it is very important to train your Border Terrier puppy to obey and have good manners from an early start.

Things You'll Need

  • Squirt bottle
  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Crate


    • 1

      Grab your Border Terrier puppy's mouth as a training mechanism to eliminate his desire to nip. All puppies like to chew on objects, but Border Terriers will tend to nip at people when passing, playing or even during times of affection. When your puppy starts to nip, carefully grab his bottom jaw while holding down his tongue and firmly say "no," then pet him and follow up with "good dog" or "be gentle." You can also try clapping and saying "no bite," or squirt the puppy with a water bottle. Not nipping this action in the bud can lead to potential problems when the Border Terrier is an adult.

    • 2

      Take your puppy outside to play. Border Terrier puppies love to race around and hide under furniture. This can be dangerous to everyone in the household, as people could trip over the dogs and cause injury to themselves and the puppy. When your Border Terrier puppy starts to initiate this behavior, take him outside. He will eventually associate outdoors as his play area.

    • 3

      Raise your Border Terrier puppy to eye level and say "no" in a firm voice, if he growls at you. Border Terriers have a desire to be in control, and this is evident in their tendency to growl. Allowing this behavior will make your puppy think that he is the boss and can lead to aggressive behavior as an adult. After you give your Border Terrier the command to stop growling, lay him on his back. This is a submissive position for dogs and by doing this, you show your puppy that you are dominant.

    • 4

      Place your Border Terrier puppy in a crate when you are away or sleeping, to keep him from going to the bathroom in your home. The crate will teach him that if he eliminates indoors, there are consequences, such as having to lie in your waste. Take your puppy outside immediately upon releasing him from the crate and after he eats and wakes up. Give your dog treats or affection to reward him after he goes potty in the appropriate areas.