How to Train a Puppy Without Using Treats

Training your puppy can be a challenging experience for any owner. It can be even more challenging if you choose to train without using dog treats to reward a job well done. Treats will earn you love from your puppy, but not necessarily your respect. Animals on a strict diet need to learn good behavior without unnecessary calories. Whether you are house training or obedience training your puppy, the following steps can help you properly do so without treats.


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      Use a toy. While many training techniques involve treats you can get the same positive outcome by using a toy instead. This can also involve a short amount of play with your puppy. Be sure to always make play time fun and energetic for your puppy so they get excited when they see the toy.

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      Praise them. Let your puppy know that he has done well by saying "good dog" or whichever term you prefer. You can accompany this with a pat on her head. Praising your dog will encourage him to repeat good behavior; however, it is important to be consistent when praising. The Humane Society of the United States recommends that everyone in the family use the same commands; otherwise, your dog may be confused. The HSUS also suggests posting a list of commands where everyone can become familiar with them.

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      Use a crate. Crate training is also an effective way to train. The crate becomes the puppy's hideaway, which makes him feel safe. This is where she will go when she wants to sleep or when he's scared. It is primarily used for house training, but can be used for other types of training as well. "The crate can limit access to the rest of the house while he learns other rules, like not to chew on furniture," according to the HSUS. You can put your puppy in the crate overnight or when you leave the house. He will not want to soil in his hideaway, which means he is more likely to wait until he is taken out. The crate will work to train your puppy as long as it's done correctly. "Never use the crate as a form of punishment or reprimand for your puppy or dog. This simply causes the dog to fear and resent the crate," according to the American Dog Trainers' Network. "You may however use the crate as a brief timeout for your puppy as a way of discouraging nipping or excessive rowdiness." In some cases your puppy may not adjust to a crate. A crate may limit your puppy's destructive side; however, she could harm herself attempting to get out. Contact a professional animal-behavior specialist if you need further assistance.