How to Train a Collie Puppy

A collie is a recognizable canine species, due in part to the popular television show, Lassie. Collies are a highly-intelligent breed and can have excellent, gentle temperaments, making an obedient collie a wonderful family member. No matter the chosen type of collie breed; rough, bearded or border- obedience training should be positive, consistent and ultimately, successful.


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      Start training your collie puppy immediately. Due to the high species intelligence, collies will learn and master basic skills very quickly. Follow a positive, consistent training schedule, and a collie can be housebroken by 10 or 12 weeks of age. Practice training sessions with ten minutes of command-driven exercise coupled with ten minutes of free play to promote learning in an encouraging atmosphere.

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      Educate your collie on basic obedience. Utilize "clicker training" to facilitate learning and positive reinforcement . For example, require your collie to sit and set a treat on the floor a few feet away. Command your collie to "wait" verbally, while holding your hand in a stop position. Should your collie puppy wait a few moments, say "Okay," and allow it to eat the treat while give the clicker device a quick push. The sound emitted, the positive treat and your verbal response will help communicate to your collie that obedience reaps rewards. Over time, require your collie puppy to wait longer before it is able to get the treat, and increase the complexity of commands given.

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      Be the pack leader. Collies require a confident owner to be the alpha of the family. Should an owner allow the collie to exhibit pushy or needy behavior, the collie puppy will mature into a stubborn adult dog. Exert a calm, assertive energy at all times during the training process, require the collie to heel while on a leash, walk through doorways before it and never allow the collie to eat food from the table. Additionally, do not allow any herding behavior; A collie puppy that begins life nipping at human heels and biting clothing will continue this habit into it's mature life. Tell the puppy firmly "No" if it does this and remove it from the "pack area". The puppy will soon learn that you are the pack leader, and it must exhibit obedient behavior to remain with its pack.

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      Socialize your collie puppy. As a strong canine breed, collies must be properly socialized with people and pets so as not to fear strangers. Take your collie on rigorous daily walks to promote exercise and allow it play time at the dog park. Ensure your collie puppy feels comfortable being handled by all types of people, strangers and family, to prevent adult dominance issues. Do not allow your collie to show any signs of aggression, as collies are very loyal animals and devoted to family members.

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      Allow your collie to work for your approval. As a working dog, collies are often the breed of choice to work on farms, driving sheep or helping work hands. However, in the home environment, encourage your collie puppy's great trainability. Throw a ball in the back yard and teach your puppy to catch and retrieve. As if demonstrates it's skill, increase your puppy's exercise and training level to catching a frisbee and eventually agility or obstacle training. Ensure you mix-up the exercise routine, as collies can become bored if not challenged with new things.

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      Ensure proper care of your collie puppy. Take your collie puppy to a veterinarian familiar with the breed, and follow a regular check-up routine. Confirm diseases and condition prevention that are common in the breed, including continuous skin infections (dermatomyositis), eye problems and legions on the nose. Follow a consistent cleaning schedule to promote the health, happiness and beauty of your pet.