How to Stop Your Dog From Digging Holes

Is your dog digging up your yard? Dogs tend to dig for a number of different reasons. Knowing what's causing your dog to dig in the first place is the key to prevent your dog from digging. Here are a few tips on how to stop your dog from digging in your yard.


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      Keep your dog comfortable. Dogs tend to dig holes in the dirt in search of cooler or warmer conditions. If it's hot out, make sure your dog has adequate water and shade during the day. If conditions are cold outside, provide your dog with shelter or an option to come inside if they get cold (dog door).

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      Exercise your dog daily. Often dogs dig as a way of venting built up energy. Take your dog for walks regularly. Make sure they get some form of exercise during the day. Tired dogs don't dig.

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      Avoid giving your dog treats or bones outside. Many dog's dig holes to bury bones or snacks for safe keeping. Instead, only give your dog treats when they are indoors.

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      Spray your dog with water when they start to dig. Giving them a quick spray with a squirt gun or hose is a great obedience technique used for dog training that's completely harmless to your pet.